Telemus Blog

Telemus Gives Back(packs)

Written by Telemus | Oct 26, 2021 7:59:49 PM


The Telemus team helped send local students in need back to school with backpacks full of supplies – everything from pencils and paper to folders, Elmer’s glue, erasers, markers, and so much more. We took part in Operation Backpack, a backpack and supply drive led by Volunteers of America Michigan that benefits homeless and at-risk students.

“Being a mom of two, I empathize with all that goes into preparing for back to school,” said Client Service Manager Claudia Johnson. “New clothes, new shoes… cool lunchboxes, comfortable face masks, and a school supply list that seems endless. Giving back with these backpacks and supplies helped students start the year feeling confident and prepared and helped take the pressure off parents who are struggling. I appreciate the value the Telemus team puts on family and giving back to the communities we serve.”

In true Telemus style, we found a creative way to raise funds for this project. The team held a “Telemate’s Got Talent” silent auction. All items were donated and every dollar spent on a bid went to the backpack and supply drive. Many of the donated items showcased our co-workers’ talents – like a round of golf with CEO Lyle Wolberg, a resume review with our Director, People and Places, Johannah Schiffer, or 15 pounds of smoked brisket from our Director of Corporate Executive Services, Matt Heckler.

“Participating in this project brought back so many childhood memories,” said Associate Advisor Natalie Langnas. “It means so much that I was able to help others experience that same joy and excitement for learning.”

In all, the team was able to raise money and fill backpacks at a time when the need is greater than ever. Many parents have lost jobs due to the pandemic, and students learning from home are not able to borrow supplies from a classmate or teacher.

“At Telemus, we aim to enrich the lives of our clients, employees and communities,” said Tracy Almassy, Brand Experience Manager. “Participating in Operation Backpack not only allowed our team to bond over memories of our childhoods, it gave us an important opportunity to send students back to school with the supplies they need to succeed.”

Click here to learn more about Operation Backpack.



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