Telemus Blog

Walking the Line

Written by Matt Dmytryszyn | May 22, 2023 2:17:36 PM

Telemus Weekly Market Review May 15th - May 19th, 2023

This past week, progress appeared to be made on resolving the debt ceiling debate in Washington, which has been an overhang to markets as investors assess the probability and risk around a potential Treasury debt default. The debt ceiling debate is a legitimate concern for investors given that even after its resolved, the way its resolved and corresponding impact on economic sentiment could have an influence on the cadence of economic growth going forward. 

The debt ceiling concern is a singular event and one that markets should be able to move beyond in short order. However, there remains uncertainty on whether the U.S. may or may not be entering a recession and whether inflation will progress along a downward, disinflationary trend that will curb any further interest rate moves from the Federal Reserve. 

On top of these broader macro concerns, market dynamics are atypical. First, cash levels in money market funds sit at all time highs at over $5 trillion in balances. Granted some of these are formerly bank deposits that migrated toward government money market funds because of recent bank failures and may not ultimately end up invested in stocks and bonds.  Second, sentiment amount professional investors is low as many are awaiting greater clarity on a debt ceiling resolution as well as further data on inflation and economic growth. Last, the combination of lower valuation in international markets and a modest depreciation of the dollar in recent months is leading some domestic and foreign investors to slowly migrate capital to markets outside of the U.S. 

The factors, alongside the significant, yet unpredictable, large macroeconomic influences have created a wall of uncertainty for investors. What makes these issues more challenging is that the outcomes will ultimately be predicated on decisions of government officials. This makes the near-term more challenging to invest in as one must foresee their behavior. 

If we take a practical view of the economy, we think the question of whether we are or are not going to be entering a recession is the wrong way to assess the current climate. In this context we are reminded of the economic recession in 2001 when the U.S. economy entered a mild recession. In this instance it wasn’t the entire U.S. economy that went into a recession, rather it was certain sectors such as technology, media and telecommunications that led the downdraft. Today, consumer goods are in decline, commercial real estate is facing challenges, banks are seeing lower levels of profitability, and home builders are seeing lower demand. This is offset by what is still strength in leisure and hospitality, restaurants, and parts of the healthcare. Thus, we answer the question on whether we are going into a recession as parts of the economy already are in a recession and others currently appear resilient to one.

From the standpoint of the market, it’s been an unusual year to say the least. As we’ve commented on previously, markets are bifurcated in what they are pricing. Treasury bonds indicate a recession is imminent in the second half of 2023. Alternatively, corporate bonds indicate a soft landing for the economy. Furthermore, one might argue stocks are pricing in more stagnant growth in 2023, and an acceleration in economic activity in 2024. While anyone of these scenarios may prove right, a diversified portfolio sure has a mix of signals. 

We think the picture is a bit clearer looking beyond the last quarter or the next quarter. Some of the oddities that we have seen in the market during the first half of 2023 should resolve themselves over time. For example, the S&P 500, which puts more weight in larger companies, is up 9.9% year-to-date. However, the equal weighted S&P 500, which does not weight each index constituent by its size (market capitalization), has gained only 1.7%. This level of divergence between the two indexes is unusual. Second, in the bond market, over time we’d expect the conflicting expectations embedded in corporate and Treasury bonds to resolve themselves. Should the economy head into recession we would expect corporate bonds to cheapen to account for higher default risk. Alternatively, if a broader recession is staved off, then portions of the Treasury yield curve are likely to adjust higher to reflect the ability of the Fed to be more patient in managing interest rates lower. 

The message in this perspective is that there is a greater degree of opaqueness today and answers to many questions on the economy and markets aren’t straight forward. Our perspective on such an environment is that diversification is key. Given the wider degree of short-term uncertainty, it’s prudent to avoid taking more narrow and specific views on the direction of government policy, inflation, or interest rates. Over time, we’d expect markets to normalize as a common expectation around the direction of the economy and government policies develops. Having a diversified portfolio that leaves you less scenario dependent and able to capture any normalization in asset prices should prove prudent. 

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