Everyday Life and Tomorrow
What is the curse of everyday life and tomorrow and what does it have to do with me and my wealth plan? Simply stated, everyday life and tomorrow are two of the most significant threats to an effective estate and wealth plan.
How can that be? It is very easy (and too common) in this busy world to be solely focused on the tasks of everyday personal and professional life and believe that you can put off the investment in important longer term projects, like your wealth and estate plan, until tomorrow… and in too many situations tomorrow never comes. As a result, your wealth and estate plan does not accomplish what you and your heirs really intended.
An effective estate and wealth plan does require your investment. Investment of time and engagement, investment of thought, investment of contemplation of a world without you, investment in family communication, investment in family preparation, and investment of dollars.
Everyday life is often the biggest threat to making the investments necessary to develop and maintain an effective wealth and estate plan. Everyday life gets in the way of thinking about your needs, wishes and fears. Everyday life keeps you from meeting with your advisor team to review your current world and then develop and evaluate appropriate strategies. Everyday life gets in the way of deciding a specific course of action and having it documented. Everyday life keeps you from executing the documents and properly titling your assets and accounts. Everyday life prevents you from contemplating changes that have happened in your family structure and your needs, desires and fears since you last touched your plan and then working with your advisors to determine what adjustments are required to reflect those changes. Everyday life keeps you from communicating principles of your plan with your family. Everyday life keeps you from developing and implementing a plan to prepare them in their future roles and for life without you.
Don’t let everyday life and tomorrow impact the effectiveness of your estate and wealth plan.
At Telemus, the foundation of our organization is based on a holistic approach to financial life management. We have the experience and resources to assist you in reviewing your plan and developing, implementing and supporting appropriate ongoing strategies for you and your family.
One of our roles is to insure that you do not fall victim to the curse of everyday life and tomorrow. We take on the role of being the pest to insure these important investments of time and focus are made for your benefit and for the benefit of your heirs.
Let us help. Let’s start the discussion – TODAY not tomorrow!
Telemus is a place where financial security is just the starting point. A place where you can identify and realize a more profound, more aspirational mission – to leverage your wealth to help you achieve your envisioned future. Through a deep and thoughtful exploration process with a unique team of experts, we help you define what financial and personal achievement means. By igniting a partnership with Telemus, we will help you attain personal life enrichment, your grandest visions, and your life’s most important goals. At Telemus, we have a different perspective on your financial life. When you take a seat at the Telemus Roundtable, you gain access to the most compelling conversations and inspired solutions for your financial future. We offer you a brand new, more holistic outlook far beyond just investment management which we know will serve as the inspiration for a more enriched life.