Telemus Supports Oakland County Road Commission's Adopt-a-Road Program
Telemus is pleased to announce our participation in the Oakland County Road Commission’s Adopt-a-Road program. We hope that our adoption of Long Lake Road and pledge to clean and maintain it twice a year will help demonstrate our commitment to serving our community, preserving the environment, and giving back however we can.
Michael Couck, Telemus’ Director of People and Places, is thrilled to have another opportunity to contribute to the communities where we live and work. Community involvement is one of Telemus’ core values, and the Adopt-a-Road program gives us the chance to put our principles into practice while making a tangible difference for everyone who lives along Long Lake Road.
The Oakland County Road Commission’s Adopt-a-Road program plays a vital role in keeping local roads safe and clean. Telemus is proud to be one of the program’s latest partners, as we believe that we can achieve anything when businesses and members of the community come together to work toward a common goal. Whether it’s donating to charities, volunteering, or putting on safety vests and cleaning up our roads, Telemus is committed to enriching the lives of our clients, communities, and employees.
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Telemus is a place where financial security is just the starting point. A place where you can identify and realize a more profound, more aspirational mission – to leverage your wealth to help you achieve your envisioned future. Through a deep and thoughtful exploration process with a unique team of experts, we help you define what financial and personal achievement means. By igniting a partnership with Telemus, we will help you attain personal life enrichment, your grandest visions, and your life’s most important goals. At Telemus, we have a different perspective on your financial life. When you take a seat at the Telemus Roundtable, you gain access to the most compelling conversations and inspired solutions for your financial future. We offer you a brand new, more holistic outlook far beyond just investment management which we know will serve as the inspiration for a more enriched life.