Simple Ways To Protect Your Beneficiary Today With Charlene Reardon

    | March 8, 2021

    Today Charlene will discuss a few simple ways to protect your beneficiaries today, for a simplified tomorrow. These include reviewing your IRA beneficiaries and thinking through your account titling options and potentially adding a TOD designation to your accounts.


    Charlene Reardon

    Charlene joined the Telemus Team when Telemus acquired Beacon Asset Management in 2006. As a Senior Financial Life Advisor, Charlene works collaboratively with her clientele to create a risk-appropriate investment strategy and financial plan to support their current needs and future investment goals.

    Charlene Reardon

    PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS. Investment decisions should always be made based on the client's specific financial needs, goals and objectives, time horizon and risk tolerance. Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk. Risks may include interest-rate risk, market risk, inflation risk, deflation risk, currency risk, reinvestment risk, business risk, liquidity risk, financial risk, and cybersecurity risk. These risks are more fully described in Telemus Capital's Firm Brochure (Part 2A of Form ADV), which is available upon request. Telemus Capital does not guarantee the results of any investments. Investment, insurance and annuity products are not FDIC insured, are not bank guaranteed, and may lose value.

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